Compensa healthcare plans for companies
As part of its activity in Poland, the Compensa Insurance Company (apart from property and life insurance) offers various healthcare packages as part of health insurance. Compensa belongs to the Vienna Insurance Group – the insurance leader in Central and Eastern Europe.
Compensa healthcare packages constitutes a solution addressed to companies that provide their employees (and family members) quick access to medical care. Compensa gives the possibility of cashless use of medical services in selected facilities or reimbursement of costs incurred for medical services provided in any other healthcare facility selected by the employee.
Healthcare packages may include:
- unlimited access to all specialist physicians within the guaranteed waiting time for an appointment:
- within 1 working day – to a family doctor, internist and pediatrician,
- within 5 working days – to a specialist physician (without a referral from an internist),
- unlimited professor’s healthcare consultations available without referral,
- diagnostic tests without limits or additional costs for used materials or preparations, e.g. contrasts in computed tomography or magnetic resonance,
- a wide range of imaging and laboratory diagnostic tests, including:
- full range of ultrasound examinations (excluding examinations in 3D and 4D technology), ECG, X-ray, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging,
- endoscopic examinations including gastroscopy, colonoscopy, rectoscopy, sigmoidoscopy,
- histopathological, hormonal, immunological, serological, allergological and bacteriological tests,
- tumor markers, mammography, fine needle biopsy,
- unlimited laboratory tests: blood count with smear, stool and urine tests,
- nursing outpatient procedures (injections, treatment of wounds, pressure checking),
- vaccination against influenza and hepatitis A and B, administration of anti-tetanus antitoxin,
- medical assistance,
- 24-hour helpline,
- medical examinations and consultations in the antenatal period,
- unlimited home visits,
- rehabilitation.
More than 30
different healtcare plan options in one place
Even 2600
best private healthcare facilities in Poland at your service
41 specialties
Access to up to 41 medical specialties
Easy way
Dedicated specialist that will help you complete the formalities efficiently
Discover many offers in one place – receive package offers in as little as 1 hour

and get access to healthcare facilities such as
ENEL-MED, Damian Medical Center, Luxmed, Polmed, Scanmed, Swissmed, Multimed, Promedis and many others
Explore the healthcare plan offers from various medical service providers in one place. We have been advising our clients for 15 years.
We will contact you to determine your individual needs. You will receive package offers in as little as 1 hour.
How to get many different offers of healthcare plan for Your Company?
1. Contact us
2. Heathcare plans
We will determine with you what kind of medical care you expect
3. Offerts
You will receive healtcare plan offers in as little as 1 hour